Public Benefits Digital Account Management Playbook

This project is currently in DRAFT

Last updated: 16 Sep 2024

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The Facing a Financial Shock initiative developed this playbook as an actionable resource for state program delivery and information technology (IT) teams to:

  • Understand and demystify federal guidance on digital authentication and digital account creation, with a focus on SNAP and Medicaid;

  • Identify approaches to digital authentication and digital account creation that balance usability, security, reliability, and equity for applicants applying for and accessing public benefits.

The recommendations and best practices highlighted throughout this resource come from primary research with state program administrators and IT staff, a review of relevant federal guidance, and an analysis of 11 states’ account management workflows.

The playbook focuses on best practices for initial digital authentication setup and digital account creation for public benefits. Future versions of the playbook may address authentication management or digital identity verification in the benefits space, or explore nuances of accounts for a broader range of public benefits.


*This playbook is not a source of authoritative, legal, or regulatory guidance and has not been officially endorsed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). State agencies should follow the federal agency’s regulations for your federally-funded state-administered program.

This content is informative and should be adapted appropriately for each state and scenario. It is the responsibility of state Medicaid and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) officials to ensure that implementation of any project is compliant with federal Medicaid and SNAP statute and regulations. Refer to CMS and FNS for up-to-date official guidance.*